SBHCA Partners and Sponsors are essential in helping us raise funds for events (e.g. our annual Pumpkin Festival) and properties (e.g. Springbank Hill & Montreux outdoor rinks).  It is also a great way for organizations to connect with our residents at a grass roots level. 

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss an opportunity further, please contact us at .

All SBHCA partners, sponsors and business-led event partners will receive a free SBHCA business membership, which is a 12-month rolling membership. Also, if you choose to be a SBHCA partner, sponsor or business-led event partner – your logo will be placed on the SBHCA website.  Further details can be found below.

Let’s start with a few definitions

  1. Partnership = A partnership is a collaborative relationship between SBHCA and an organization, with the organization providing SBHCA dollars for the promotion of the ‘organization’ at an SBHCA property or event.  SBHCA has 3 levels of partnerships:
  1. Aspen
  2. Evergreen
  3. Larch
  1. Sponsorship = Paid advertising by a company on SBHCA properties (currently rink boards).  (Note: Sponsorships are separate from Partnerships.)
  2. Business led events = The business, not SBHCA, is the lead on the event execution.  Funds generated from the event are donated to SBHCA. A great example of this is CYCLEBAR Strathcona’s annual Springbank Hill ride. (Note: Sponsorships are separate from Partnerships.)

SBHCA Partnership program

Partnerships are a 1-year term. The three levels of partnerships are identified below.

* Larch sponsors receive prominent logo placement, co-hosting opportunities and opportunity to offer branded swag at an event (e.g. Pumpkin Festival) or property (e.g. Community Gardens) that they are assigned as lead sponsor.

*Evergreen sponsors receive secondary logo placement and opportunity to share company information at events.

SBHCA Sponsorship program

Contact us at to explore sponsorship opportunities.