- Work closely with the planning committee to provide input to the City of Calgary on the proposed Area Structure Plan for our community, to ensure that the future vision for overall development and recommendations for new roads and road improvements are in the best interest of our community. Also review each new proposed development and provide feedback to the developer and the City.
- Work with adjacent community associations, the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta and provide our input and comments for the proposed South-West Ring Road project, with a specific focus on three items, a) the interchange design at 69th Street, b) noise attenuation on the North side of the ring road adjacent to our community, and c) the ring road capacity and number of lanes proposed.
- Work directly with the city of Calgary to address the traffic calming requirements as identified in previous studies, with a specific focus on 26th Avenue and Springbank Blvd.
- Address any other traffic safety issues as they arise.
The SBHCA Traffic Committee has identified priorities for 2020: